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The Rise Of A Supreme Leader

**Kim Jong-Un: A Decade of North Korean Leadership**

**The Rise of a Supreme Leader**

Kim Jong-Un, born in 1983 or 1984, ascended to the supreme leadership of North Korea in 2011 after the death of his father, Kim Jong-Il. Despite having limited political or military experience, Kim was immediately hailed as the "Great Successor" and assumed an ironclad grip on power.

**A Shifting Foreign Policy**

Under Kim Jong-Un, North Korea's foreign policy has undergone significant changes. He has abandoned the former bedrock goal of reconciling and re-uniting with South Korea, instead emphasizing the development and modernization of North Korea's nuclear and missile programs. This shift has led to heightened tensions with the United States and other Western powers.

**A Decade of Uncertainty**

Kim Jong-Un's rule has been marked by both progress and setbacks. On the one hand, he has preserved North Korea's status as a nuclear power and maintained stability in the region. On the other hand, the country continues to struggle with poverty, isolation, and human rights abuses.

**Looking Ahead**

As North Korea enters its second decade under Kim Jong-Un's leadership, the future remains uncertain. The country faces both challenges and opportunities, and the world will be closely watching to see how Kim steers North Korea through the next phase of its development.
